Dataset selection and general map properties

Mean SHmax orientation on regular grids. Details are described in Heidbach and Ziegler (2018) and Heidbach et al. (2018) (Download PDF).

Fixed search radius r=500km
Variable search radius r=100-1000km
Fixed search radius r=250km

Select Data Records


Depth range [km]

Further Options


Please insert your data here in a comma seperated format (~.CSV) with an order of:
Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth, Type, Depth, Quality, Regime
For example: 0.0,0.0,45,FMS,5.0,A,NF
You are not able to create a stress map?

Note: The Western and Eastern boundary are supposed to range between -180° and 180°. The Northern and Southern boundary are supposed to range between -90° and 90°. Also the Western limit should be smaller than the Eastern, as well as the Nothern limit should be smaller than the Southern. Also check the depth range: Lower boundary > upper boundary >= 0.